Is w.h.o and why are they covering up their mess and is China the their biggest backers

The Communist goals have become Obvious and the world as seen they are not are friends they are out to kill Americans, Australians, Britain, Italians, Germans, Japanese, And other country’s citizens with their hate and Propaganda that are hidden war, hidden war Also hidden secret war A-war against you me everybody…. Thats The CCP party […]

Read More Is w.h.o and why are they covering up their mess and is China the their biggest backers

We recommend you start Doing this…

The CDC and the WHO recommend several basic measures to help prevent the spread of Covid-19: Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects. Stay home when you are sick. Contact a health worker if you have symptoms; fever […]

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