China’s hypersonic vehicle test a ‘significant demonstration’ of space technology – SpaceNews

Whether the Chinese tested a weapon or just a reusable space vehicle is impossible to know without seeing the test data, said an industry expert… Read more about this article in the link below…

Read More China’s hypersonic vehicle test a ‘significant demonstration’ of space technology – SpaceNews

Space Development Agency orders 8 satellites to track hypersonic weapons

WASHINGTON —SpaceX and and L3 Harris will contribute satellites to track hypersonic weapons to the Space Development Agency’s planned mega-constellation, with the nascent agency announcing it had selected the two companies to build its first wide field of view satellites Oct. 5… More about this article in the link below…

Read More Space Development Agency orders 8 satellites to track hypersonic weapons

DARPA’s air-breathing hypersonic missiles ready for free-flight tests –

Sept. 2 (UPI) — Captive carry tests of two hypersonic weapons have been completed, with their first free flights scheduled for later this year, according to DARPA and the U.S. Air Force. Lockheed Martin and Raytheon have each designed hypersonic missiles for a combined program of the Air Force and the Defense Advanced Research Projects […]

Read More DARPA’s air-breathing hypersonic missiles ready for free-flight tests –

Rival powers jockey for the lead in hypersonic aircraft – BBC News

I’ve spent my career on things flying fast,” says Adam Dissel, who heads up the US operations of Reaction Engines. This British company is building engines that can operate at dizzying speeds , under conditions that would melt existing jet engines. The firm wants to reach hypersonic velocity, beyond five times the speed of sound, around […]

Read More Rival powers jockey for the lead in hypersonic aircraft – BBC News

U.S. Air Force F-15EXs Flying From Okinawa Could Fire Hypersonic Missiles At Targets 2,000 Miles Away

We don’t know where the U.S. Air Force plans to base its new F-15EX Eagle fighters. But we know where the flying branch should put at least some of the upgraded F-15s. Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa. Armed with the new AGM-183 hypersonic missile, the new F-15s could be the most powerful strike aircraft in the […]

Read More U.S. Air Force F-15EXs Flying From Okinawa Could Fire Hypersonic Missiles At Targets 2,000 Miles Away

If China Invades, Taiwan Could Target Shanghai And Beijing With Cruise Missiles

If Beijing pulls the trigger and sends its forces streaming across the Taiwan Strait, the war could end quickly. Chinese rockets could pummel Taiwanese forces into submission, clearing the way for tens of thousands of Chinese marines to rush ashore on the plains of southwestern Taiwan… More about this article in the link below…

Read More If China Invades, Taiwan Could Target Shanghai And Beijing With Cruise Missiles

Japan Develops ‘Stealth’ Missiles That Can Outgun China’s Defense Systems, Annihilate Warships

As the threat of war looms over Asia between China and its neighbours including India, Japan, Taiwan, ASEAN or the US, Japan has got its deadly, anti-ship ASM-3 missile ready. The ASM-3 is supersonic missile could prove to be the game-changer for Japan to counter the Chinese (PLAAF) warships.

Read More Japan Develops ‘Stealth’ Missiles That Can Outgun China’s Defense Systems, Annihilate Warships

Russia’s Sukhoi Shows Off Stealthier Vision For Its “Hunter” Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle – The Drive

The existence of Sukhoi’s S-70 Hunter-B (Okhotnik-B) unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) is among the biggest military aerospace developments to come out of Russia this decade. The aircraft initially appeared in a flyable form back in January, with its first flight occurring in early August. One of the biggest questions surrounding the large flying-wing drone is just how […]

Read More Russia’s Sukhoi Shows Off Stealthier Vision For Its “Hunter” Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle – The Drive

SpaceX testing Falcon 9 rocket…

Video of SpaceX’s 5.2m fairing—designed in-house by SpaceX—undergoing testing in the world’s largest vacuum chamber at NASA Glenn Research Center — Plum Brook Station. SpaceX’s fairing is used to protect a satellite during launch. Separation occurs when the rocket is traveling over 5x faster than a speeding bullet, nearly 15x the speed of sound. The […]

Read More SpaceX testing Falcon 9 rocket…

Pentagon Has Tested A Suicide Drone That Gets To Its Target Area At Hypersonic Speed – The Drive

The Pentagon tested a loitering munition, more commonly referred to as a suicide drone, last year that will arrive over its designated target area at hypersonic speeds. It has since turned the project over to the U.S. Army for further development. Additional details about the program, dubbed Vintage Racer, have now emerged in an official picture […]

Read More Pentagon Has Tested A Suicide Drone That Gets To Its Target Area At Hypersonic Speed – The Drive

Army scientists develop new ‘materials’ for hypersonic weapons attack | Fox News

They can take out targets faster than enemies can respond by destroying a wide range of air, sea, land and space targets. Traveling at five times the speed of sound, they are nearly impossible to defend against and place fighter jets, ships, ground vehicles, satellites and ground assets at tremendous risk of nearly instant destruction […]

Read More Army scientists develop new ‘materials’ for hypersonic weapons attack | Fox News