In pictures: X-59 QueSST, the quiet supersonic aircraft – BBC Science Focus Magazine

Could NASA bring back faster-than-sound travel? Concorde flew from London to New York in three and a half hours. It soared at nearly twice the speed of sound, leaving an almighty sonic boom in its wake. The noise restricted where it could fly, but now NASA hopes it can resurrect faster-than-sound travel, with quiet supersonic […]

Read More In pictures: X-59 QueSST, the quiet supersonic aircraft – BBC Science Focus Magazine

Space Development Agency orders 8 satellites to track hypersonic weapons

WASHINGTON —SpaceX and and L3 Harris will contribute satellites to track hypersonic weapons to the Space Development Agency’s planned mega-constellation, with the nascent agency announcing it had selected the two companies to build its first wide field of view satellites Oct. 5… More about this article in the link below…

Read More Space Development Agency orders 8 satellites to track hypersonic weapons

Rival powers jockey for the lead in hypersonic aircraft – BBC News

I’ve spent my career on things flying fast,” says Adam Dissel, who heads up the US operations of Reaction Engines. This British company is building engines that can operate at dizzying speeds , under conditions that would melt existing jet engines. The firm wants to reach hypersonic velocity, beyond five times the speed of sound, around […]

Read More Rival powers jockey for the lead in hypersonic aircraft – BBC News

NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Cruising at 24,600 MPH on Its 300 Million Mile Journey to Mars – SciTechDaily

The team controlling NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover has received telemetry (detailed spacecraft data) down from the spacecraft and has also been able to send commands up to the spacecraft, according to Matt Wallace, the mission’s deputy project manager. The team, based at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, has confirmed that the spacecraft is healthy and […]

Read More NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Cruising at 24,600 MPH on Its 300 Million Mile Journey to Mars – SciTechDaily

U.S. Air Force F-15EXs Flying From Okinawa Could Fire Hypersonic Missiles At Targets 2,000 Miles Away

We don’t know where the U.S. Air Force plans to base its new F-15EX Eagle fighters. But we know where the flying branch should put at least some of the upgraded F-15s. Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa. Armed with the new AGM-183 hypersonic missile, the new F-15s could be the most powerful strike aircraft in the […]

Read More U.S. Air Force F-15EXs Flying From Okinawa Could Fire Hypersonic Missiles At Targets 2,000 Miles Away

Space Force Unveils Its First Weapon, a Satellite Jammer

Playing Offense The U.S. Space Force recently acquired its first offensive weaponry: a device capable of blocking satellite communications, temporarily rendering orbiting satellites useless. The technology behind these Counter Communications Systems, as they’re called, has already existed for years, Interesting Engineering reports, but the devices were only delivered to the military last month. With them, the U.S. can now disable […]

Read More Space Force Unveils Its First Weapon, a Satellite Jammer

Three obstacles are slowing space sensors for hypersonic threats

A space sensor layer represents a central component of both reinvigorated attention in space operations and the reality of renewed great power competition. Unfortunately, the current pace for acquiring it is something less than the speed of relevance. Despite frequent statements of support from the Pentagon, its realization faces architectural, budgetary and institutional impediments… read […]

Read More Three obstacles are slowing space sensors for hypersonic threats

Why the US Air Force chose hypersonic ARRW over HCSW | News | Flight Global

The US Air Force’s (USAF) decision to cancel the Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (HCSW) and proceed with Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW) came down to size and shape of the missile, in addition to budgetary pressures and a desire to move toward production faster. READ MORE ABOUT THIS ARTICLE IN LINK…

Read More Why the US Air Force chose hypersonic ARRW over HCSW | News | Flight Global

NASA’s experimental X-59 supersonic jet could be built by the end of 2020

NASA’s new experimental supersonic X-plane is on a fast track to flying. The plane, officially named X-59 QueSST in 2018 and often referred to as just X-59, was greenlit for final assembly during a critical design review in 2019. With this plane, NASA aims to create an ultraquiet craft that can travel over land faster than the speed of […]

Read More NASA’s experimental X-59 supersonic jet could be built by the end of 2020